Upgrading Your Web Hosting Account
As your site grows or you add more sites to your online portfolio, you will find that you need to increase your web space and/or bandwidth to cope with that expansion.
The most economical way to add further sites to your hosting plan or increase your plans capacity is to upgrade. Upgrading your account will also open up access to Live Technical Support for our Excite account holders and can be completed at any time.
By upgrading your web hosting account from our Excite plan which allows one web site to be hosted, to our Extra plan which allows 3 web sites to be hosted, you will now qualify for Live Technical Support, Unlimited Bandwidth and an extra 50% storage on your web space.
Upgrading your web hosting account from Extra to Expert now entitles you to host 5 web sites on your hosting plan and have access to Live Technical Support, Unlimited Bandwidth and a 100% increase in storage space.
When you consider we back ourselves with our money-back guarantee, we are the only one taking the risk when you upgrade. You get to enjoy the extra discounts with the peace of mind that if we don't deliver you get your money back!
Live Technical Support
Another reason for upgrading from our Excite entry plan is to qualify for Live Technical Support. Our Excite plan accesses Technical Support by Support ticket only and so by upgrading to our Extra/Expert/Extreme hosting plans you will qualify for Live Technical Support via our Live Chat system.
Upgrading Your Web Hosting Account - Step by Step Guide
- Log in to your hosting account at sys/
- Click on 'My Services' in Client Area menu
- Click on green arrow icon at right hand side of service/product entry

- Scroll down to bottom of page
- Click on Upgrade/Downgrade button

- Select the plan to upgrade to by clicking on Click to Continue button

- The Upgrade price is calculated from a credit of the unused portion of your current plan against the billing for the new plan
- Choose your method payment and complete payment by following instructions on screen
